SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online is a cloud-based service that helps departments share and collaborate with colleagues, partners, etc. With SharePoint, you can access internal sites, documents, and other information from anywhere—at the office, at home, or from a mobile device.

Please note the classic Departmental SharePoint becomes legacy and user are advised to create Shared Library from OneDrive (modern SharePoint with M365 group).

Available To
Department, Office
Service Fee


Service Hours


Getting Started

Every Microsoft 365 user can create Shared Library for Document Sharing and user can assign addition site owners to co-own the site. 

Alternately, user can also create a Team site from Microsoft Teams or create a group from the Outlook app (see Microsoft 365 groups) and it is equivalent to have a Shared Library.

Please note the classic Departmental SharePoint becomes legacy and user are advised to create Shared Library from OneDrive (modern SharePoint with M365 group).

Support and documents from Microsoft:

Other useful tips:

Data Security

SharePoint Online can be used to store data classified as high-risk under the HKUST Guideline for Risk Classification.

If you will use mobile device to access SharePoint, please use the OneDrive app instead of the SharePoint app for better security. The following pre-cautions must also be taken.

  • If you will sign in with your school account on OneDrive Sync client installed on non-office computers, be aware that that data might be synchronized to devices outside the campus network. Please encrypt your high-risk data before putting them into SharePoint.
  • Please follow the following precautions on mobile devices if there are high-risk data:
    • Enable screen lock with your mobile device.
    • Enable passcode protection with your OneDrive App (under settings --> password).
    • Never save an offline copy in your mobile device.
    • Reset your password and wipe your mobile in case loss of your mobile.