Installing Applications

Only install applications you trust.

  • iOS devices: install applications from App Store or iTunes.
  • Android devices: install applications from Google Play store. Don’t install applications from APK files unless they are from sources you trust.

Read required permission access rights
Pay attention if applications ask for access right permissions when you install them.

Keep applications up to date
Always keep your applications current to avoid potential security risks.

Use anti-theft software

  • iOS devices: use “Find-my-phone” in iPhones or iPads.
  • Android devices: erase your device by your google account.
  • For more information, please visit here.

Use secure connections
Select HTTPS connections whenever possible to connect to external websites. You can also use VPN software to access the HKUST campus network.

Storing files and information
Always be careful when deciding what to store on mobile devices. You are advised not to store confidential University data on such devices.

HKUST Mobile App Catalog
Visit to view and download applications developed under HKUST