Mounting HPC3 home folder to HPC4 using SSHFS tool

SSHFS allows you to mount a remote filesystem using SFTP.  If user owns an HPC3 account, they can use this tool to access HPC3 home directory in HPC4 environment

Using SSHFS to connect to HPC3

In HPC4 login node, create a new folder as a mount point under your home folder.

$ mkdir ~/mnt

Perform sshfs with your credentials to mount the remote folder to the local mount point.


$ sshfs ~/mnt

Remark: User credential is required to provide to mount the remote folder. 

As a result, ~/mnt is mounted to the remote folder and you can copy in/out files in this folder as usual.

Unmount the SSHFS remote folder

If the remote folder is longer needed, make sure the current working directory is not under the mount point and you can unmount the remote folder

$ umount ~/mnt

As a result, the remote folder is unmounted