HKUST SuperPOD - Job priority (Pilot period)

The HKUST SuperPOD job scheduler (i.e. Slurm) employs a weighting system with several factors to determine the priority of submitted jobs:

Factors are: 

  1. Queueing Time:
    • Job with a longer wait time in queue would be given higher priority​. 
  2. Job size:  
    • Job requesting more resources would be given higher priority over jobs requesting less resources​
  3. Fair Share:
    • Job submitted by project team with lower accumulated usage would be given higher priority​

  4. Backfill Scheduling:
    • A Slurm scheduling plugin to maximize machine utilization by promoting lower priority job(s) which doing so does not delay the expected start time of any higher priority jobs.


Based on the combined weights, each job will get a final priority score.  Slurm will process the next job with the highest priority score