Information Technology Support Forum
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Classroom 2405 (near Lift 17 & 18) (by invitation)
The main objective of the Forum is to promote communication among departmental IT colleagues and CSC (Cybersecurity Coordinator), allowing us to share IT knowledge, needs and experiences with each other.
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Classroom 2405 (near Lift 17 & 18) (by invitation)
Recommended For
IT Professional Staff
More Information
- Registration
- ISO System Statistics – Sharing ISO system usages and related OIDR and OP
work across all Schools and Offices
- e-identity - A forward look
- OS Life Cycle Management – OS upgrade planning, and recent updates on
end-of-life OS
- Azure OpenAI service
Speakers / Performers:
ITSC & ISO Colleagues
Information Technology Services Center