#!/bin/bash # NOTE: Lines starting with "#SBATCH" are valid SLURM commands or statements, # while those starting with "#" and "##SBATCH" are comments. Uncomment # "##SBATCH" line means to remove one # and start with #SBATCH to be a # SLURM command or statement. #SBATCH -J sasjob #Slurm job name # Set the maximum runtime and uncomment if you need it ##SBATCH -t 72:00:00 #Maximum runtime of 72 hours # Enable email notifications when job begins and ends, uncomment if you need it ##SBATCH --mail-user=user_name@ust.hk #Update your email address. ##SBATCH --mail-type=begin ##SBATCH --mail-type=end # Choose a partition (queue), for example, choose "sbm" #SBATCH -p sbm # To use 1 node and 32 cpus. Note that the requested "-n" cannot exceed the number of cores the node has. #SBATCH -N 1 -n 32 # Suppose you have the sas script, e.g, app.sas # Run the SAS script sas app.sas